Did you make a New Year’s resolution?

According to procativechange.com: 40-45% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions.

But, after one week, 25% of resolutions are discarded and 50% will be forgotten within six months. Business Insider is even more pessimistic, saying that 80% of these resolution goals crumble by as early as February! Forbes tells us that only 8% of people have actually successfully completed their resolutions by year’s end.

According to statista.com, more than half of New Year’s resolutions (53%), involve saving or making green (and not the smoking kind of green). A bit under half (45%), are goals regarding losing weight or exercising more, which America absolutely needs more of! More sex, more travel, more reading, more hobbies, are all on the list of common resolutions.

When it comes to resolutions, LA Times reminds us that will power is malleable. I’ll let you readers smoke and stew on that one yourselves.

So, to stay on the positive, successful and lifted side, we need to change these stats!

Here are four simple tips from Forbes on how to make your resolutions stick (like to your fingers after preparing your cannabis medicine):

  1. Make your goal simple: Stick with small and easy to hit.
  2. Make it tangible: Don’t say you want to lose weight. Say you won’t eat ice-cream, fries and chocolate for the next six weeks, even if you have the munchies.
  3. Make it obvious: Share your thoughts and goals with others; it will help you hold yourself more accountable.
  4. And most importantly, believe in yourself: The mere act of setting a goal increases your chances of achieving it!

Let’s see how a typical resolution compares to a cannabis resolution or shall we say cannabis revolution…

If you’d like to some some change in your life, but need some suggestions, here are a few ideas from Civilized to help you grow in 2022:

  • Learn to make edibles or a learn a new method of making cannabis medicine.
  • Learn to grow cannabis or maybe just change it up, go organic if you are not, or start using living soils.
  • Visit a tax and regulate legal state. Now that’s a fun resolution!
  • Try a different cultivar or better yet, a different and maybe even healthier method of consumption, such as switching to a vaporizer.
  • And one dear to my heart…share cannabis and share cannabis even more!

Fresh Toast also suggests planning for THC sober stretches and, I would add, trying out micro dosing and for some, lowering your regular daily cannabis intake.

They also suggest getting high, not just after exercise for recovery, but before your workouts.

I would also encourage incorporating more full spectrum CBD and other cannabinoids into your regimen, which can help some people decrease OTC pain relievers.

Now, if you want a more global – or maybe just a less personal approach – make your resolution a part of the cannabis revolution!

  • Help break down stigmas surrounding cannabis anyway you can, so get active and speak up.
  • Learn your local state laws so you can fight and advocate for legalization.

I think my favorite suggestions come from Splimm, and really, just because of how much they made me laugh!

First resolution is for those who have used cannabis in the past, but aren’t currently, to come back to cannabis. Get back on the bus!

Lastly (and here is where we can see our success stats truly start to soar higher and higher) (pun intended)…use more cannabis! Of course, consume consciously, safely, and appropriately.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or another health care professional for any and all cannabis needs, questions and concerns!

So there you have it folks, a few ideas for all you cannabis lovers to start off 2022 on fire!

Photos by Erwan Hesry and Ambreen Hasan on Unsplash